Senegal – Capacity Building (CD3) Seminar on Access to Remittances for ARM


This report from Capacity Building Seminar highlights on the growing risks relating to climate change in Senegal and the opportunities for implementing remittances related program as a tool for agricultural risk management. The workshop was held in Dakar in October 2017. It brought together representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock as well as private agencies and farmer groups.


Read this report for the key workshop outcomes.

In collaboration with:

Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Equipement Rural (MAER)

Red Mangrove Development Advisors (RMDA)

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Full Report:
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PARM (2017) “Senegal – Capacity Building Seminar (CD3) on Access to Remittances for ARM”. Main workshop report and presentations on a workshop organised by PARM/IFAD in collaborations with MAER and RMDA.